September 21, 2023 / News

AdAge: The Future of AI Regulation in Advertising

This year, businesses and individuals alike have embraced artificial intelligence with unprecedented enthusiasm and adoption rates. Generative AI has become more accessible with the rise of programs like ChatGPT, leading to more widescale adoption. 

However, this has also brought forward the inherent tensions that come along with an increasingly AI-driven world. Questions have been raised about the need for regulation around AI in film and television, and similar concerns apply to the ad industry, for both the people doing the creative work and the brands they’re doing it for.

In this month’s Amp spotlight, AdAge polled industry leaders on how this technology can be regulated as we move into an increasingly AI-driven advertising landscape. Chief Strategy Officer, Scott Madden, shares how humans play a pivotal role in evolving AI tools toward greater DE&I. 

Read the full story here.

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