May 16, 2024 / Thought Leadership

Stepping Into the Power:
CP Women’s Networking

Ashley Campbell, Group Brand Director

group of women posing for a picture in an officeEmpowerment (noun)
The act or action of empowering someone or something: the granting of the power, right, or authority to perform various acts or duties. [1]

How many times have you seen an event, conference, or piece of content coupling females with empowerment? But have you ever taken a step back to look at the definition? I personally hadn’t. “Granting of the power” is an eye-opening definition of the word. As women, we should not be granted the power, it should be inherent in our being. The reality here is that being granted the power is not all that powerful.

group of women talking in an officeIn case you missed it, we just ran our third “CP Empowering Women’s Networking” event in Boston. Leading up to the gathering, the definition of the event name shed some light on a problem that my colleagues and I felt we needed to address. Sure, networking should create a sense of empowerment. But the power is already within us.

At each of these events, my colleague Michele Hart-Henry, Managing Director of CP Health, and I lead a networking exercise that encourages our guests to chat with someone they have never met. Last month our topic was imposter syndrome

We have learned over time that these programs foster positive discussion. So, after reflecting on the name of our event, we determined that our April event topic should be ‘Stepping into the Power.’ We asked guests to discuss an example of a situation where they were either proud of embracing their power, or a time they wished they had stepped into it. 

three women standing on an outside patioThis fostered wonderful conversation. We learned of times where these women were proud of using their voices to support and sponsor their colleagues. We also learned of times where they felt they voiced an opinion and were unfortunately shut down and wished they had not given up.

So, as you read this blog, we ask that you consider rethinking the word “empowerment.” Instead ladies, embrace the power you already have.

Please keep an eye out for our next Women’s Networking evening, which we plan to hold this summer. We’re excited to announce a new name via this fourth Connelly Partners event, but you’ll have to stay tuned to learn more!

If you aren’t on our invite list please reach out to me, Ashley Campbell. And while you’re at it, feel free to send event name suggestions my way as well. 


  1. Merriam-Webster